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The main characteristics of the electromagnetic valve:
1, must block leakage, internal leakage and easy to control, the use of safety
Internal and external leakage is endangering the safety factor. Other automatic control valve will usually stem out from the electric, pneumatic, hydraulic actuator control valve, rotate or move. This should solve the long-term action of external dynamic seal valve stem leakage problem; only the electromagnetic solenoid valve is sealed with a magnetic force on the electric control valve separated from the magnetic core within the casing to complete, there is no dynamic seal, so easy to block leakage. Electric torque control valve is not easy, prone to leakage, or even pull off the stem head; structure of the electromagnetic valve is easy to control leakage, until reduced to zero. Therefore, the use of special safety valve, particularly suitable for corrosive, toxic or high temperature media.
2, the system is simple, they take the computer, low price
Solenoid valve itself is simple, the price is also low, compared to other types of valve actuators, easy installation and maintenance. More significant is the composition of the automatic control system is much simpler, much lower price. As the solenoid valve is a switching signal control, and industrial computer connection is very convenient. In today's widespread use of computer, the era of decline in prices, the electromagnetic valve is even more obvious advantages.
3, action express, power small, lightweight form factor
Solenoid valve response time can be as short as a few milliseconds, even if the pilot solenoid valve can be controlled within tens of milliseconds. Into the self loop, automatic control valves other than the more sensitive. A properly designed solenoid valve coil power consumption is very low, is energy-saving products; can be just the trigger action, automatically maintain valve position, usually is not power. Solenoid valve small size, saving space and light and beautiful.
4, regulation accuracy is limited, for media is limited
Solenoid valve is usually only switch two states, the spool only in two extreme positions, not continuously adjustable, so the adjustment accuracy is also subject to certain restrictions.
Solenoid valve on the media have high requirements for cleanliness, including granular media can not be applied, the case must first filter out impurities. In addition, the viscous medium can not be applied, and, specific product for the medium viscosity range is relatively narrow.
5, type variety, a wide range of uses
Although be congenitally deficient the electromagnetic valve, the advantages are still very prominent, so we designed a variety of products, to meet the different needs, extremely versatile. Solenoid valve technology advances are centered on how to overcome be congenitally deficient, how to better play to existing strengths and expand.
COPYRIGHTS ◎ 2015 Ruian Zhuoxin Automobile Parts Co.,Ltd., ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
For the record: 浙ICP备19038172号-1 Technical support:Ju yao mei

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